
Open Laser Show Controller API

Main.OpenLaserShowController History

Hide minor edits - Show changes to output

May 15, 2012, at 03:26 AM by CAF - fixed the OLSCV2 Link
Changed line 27 from:
API Only - [[Attach:OpenLaserShowControllerV2.0.0.h|Header File}}
API Only - [[Attach:OpenLaserShowControllerV2.0.0.h|Header File]]
Changed line 27 from:
API Only - [[Attach:OpenLaserShowControllerV2.0.0.h|Header File}}
API Only - [[Attach:OpenLaserShowControllerV2.0.0.h|Header File}}
December 16, 2011, at 01:59 PM by CAF - Adding links.
Changed lines 27-28 from:
API Only - Header File
API Only - [[Attach:OpenLaserShowControllerV2.0.0.h|Header File}}
Changed lines 31-33 from:
* Future Development (currently Visual Studio 6)
* [[|Future Development]] (currently Visual Studio 6)
Changed lines 36-37 from:
* LFI Player V1.2.0 Beta - download the source code here. - installer coming soon.
* LFI Player V1.2.0 Beta - download the [[|source code here]]. - installer coming soon.
Changed lines 40-42 from:
* Vector Window - see Driver DLL's for source - DLL's only
* EZAuDAC - source - DLL's only
* EasyLase - source - DLL's only
* Vector Window - see Driver DLL's for source - [[Attach:OLSC_VectorWindow.dll|DLL's only]]
* EZAuDAC - [[|source]] - [[Attach:OLSC_EZAuDAC.dll|DLL's only]]
* EasyLase - [[|source]] - [[Attach:OLSC_EasyLase.dll|DLL's only]]
December 16, 2011, at 04:13 AM by CAF - Adding links.
Changed lines 7-8 from:
API Only - Header File
API Only - [[Attach:OpenLaserShowControllerV1.0.0.h|Header File]]
Changed lines 14-17 from:
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express
* Microsoft Visual Studio 6
* Dev C++ (Bloodshed)
** [[|Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express]]
** [[|Microsoft Visual Studio 6]]
** [[|Dev C++ (Bloodshed)]]
Changed lines 21-22 from:
* Dev C++ (Bloodshed)
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 MFC (09-26-2009)
** [[|Dev C++ (Bloodshed)]]
** [[|Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 MFC (09-26-2009)]]
Changed lines 1-5 from:
(:Title Basic PmWiki editing rules:)
The name of this page is "{$Name}", and
its title is "{$Title}".

Open Laser Show Controller API:)
(:Title Open Laser Show Controller API:)
Added lines 1-4:
(:Title Basic PmWiki editing rules:)
The name of this page is "{$Name}", and
its title is "{$Title}".
Changed line 1 from:
{:Open Laser Show Controller API:}
(:Open Laser Show Controller API:)
December 15, 2011, at 04:57 PM by CAF - Renamed the page title.
Added lines 1-2:
{:Open Laser Show Controller API:}
December 15, 2011, at 04:54 PM by CAF - Initial page.
Added lines 1-47:
The Open Laser Show Controller (OLSC) is an Applications Programming Interface (API). It is an OPEN software programming interface that makes talking with laser show output hardware easy to write programs for. It gives a common interface to any laser show output hardware. Best of all it is 100% free. Please feel free to download the example projects for your language/development environment of choice and documentation to get started. If you have any questions feel free to [[ContactMe | contact me]].

API V1 - Documentation (coming soon)

API Only - Header File

Download and read the header for a quick look at the OLSC API V1.0.0

Driver DLL Examples:

* C++ (09-26-2009)
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express
* Microsoft Visual Studio 6
* Dev C++ (Bloodshed)

API Usage Examples:

* C++ (09-26-2009)
* Dev C++ (Bloodshed)
* Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 MFC (09-26-2009)
* Java (JNI) - maintained by Andreas Unger

API V2 - Documentation (coming soon)

API Only - Header File

Download and read the header for a quick look at the OLSC API V2.0.0

* Future Development (currently Visual Studio 6)

Applications that use the OLSC API

* LFI Player V1.2.0 Beta - download the source code here. - installer coming soon.

Ported Hardware Drivers

* Vector Window - see Driver DLL's for source - DLL's only
* EZAuDAC - source - DLL's only
* EasyLase - source - DLL's only
* FSX 1.X - source - DLL's only (coming soon)
* RIYA? - source - DLL's (coming soon)
* QM2000 - source - DLL's (coming soon)

About the license:

The Open Laser Show Controller API and example source code have been assigned the MIT software license. This license allows the use of the this source code in commercial and non-commercial application free of charge. You do not have to disclose the source code of applications or drivers that use this code and you are free to do what you would like with it ... this includes charging money for your work. The API is open as it is to be freely used. Please see the license text included with each source code file for the actual words. This is just a summary and is not to be used as the actual license.