From Me & Mr. Cranky Pants

Main: LaserTagging

This might be a new hobby... spawned by a contest.

10-30-2013 Tagged the local Michaels and Golden Coral early in the morning (or late at night). I need MORE power! The projector is 15mW of 532nm Green. I should have rigged up my 1 Watt 450nm laser but the HAD logo looks better in green.

Anyways here are some pictures (sorry for the poor quality... I am not a good photographer):

Golden Coral
Golden Coral
Michaels Craft Store
Michaels Craft Store

I tried Walmart however there was too much ambient light... coupled with grounding issues causing the Arudino OLSD board to become incompetent. Ugh.... I spent A LOT of time plugging and unplugging the USB cable. I used this projector Budget RGV Projector

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Page last modified on October 30, 2013, at 03:16 PM